Litta Theatre

We are not a Genre: the representation of women in documentary cinema. Do we canonize what is exceptional or do we bring back complexity? How creativity can interplay in production possibilities and editorial approaches.

Moderator: Cinzia Masòtina – Introduction by Domizia De Rosa, President WIFTMI Women in Film, Television & Media Italia
This round table aims to reflect on the unwritten conventions of female stories. Women as subjects and as objects for storytelling and creativity; the possibility or necessity to construct new narratives and languages that go beyond the representation of women as ‘figurines, fetishes, holy pictures’; how to dismantle this image and how to reconstruct their stories; how a narrative can incorporate creativity, editorial guidelines and production possibilities.


Litta Theatre

Cinema Equity: the private fund model applied to the Italian independent film industry

Moderator: Cinzia Masòtina – Speakers will include Luca Lucini (director and producer – President of Air3) and Michele Casula (Partner Ergo Research)
Starting from European and US private equity models, the panel will investigate the possibilities of setting up alternative models to public funding for independent film products in Italy.

Thursday 15 September – Litta Theatre, Sala della Cavallerizza – 2.45/ 3.30 pm


Speed date Corner

Speed Date Corner: two afternoon Speed Date sessions where producers not participating in the contests can meet national and international Film Commissions and Film Funds, producers, distributors, and Italian and international commissioning editors. Companies can access the Speed Dates only after being accredited and registered to the Speed Date Corner Section. The Visioni Incontra team reserves the right to select the companies upon successful registration.