14 Sep

The Winners of Visioni Incontra 2024 – Industry Section of the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo

The Winners of Visioni Incontra 2024 – Industry Section of the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo

Visioni Incontra Best Documentary Project Award: “THE OTHER BORDER”, directed by Simone Mestroni, produced by Rizoma Film.

Lo Scrittoio Subtitles Award: “TRUST THESE PEOPLE”, directed by Francesco Catarinolo, produced by Studio Pandora.

Archivio Documentario Luce Award: “WINGS OF VENICE”, directed by Mattia Bello, produced by Kublai Film.

La Compagnia Award: “IN TRANSIT”, directed by Valerio Ciriaci, produced by Parallelo 41 Produzioni, Awens Film, and Cinecittà.

Bio to B Award: “THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE”, directed by Dheeraj Akolkar, produced by Sant og usant AS.

CoPro – The Israeli Coproduction Market Award: “IN TRANSIT”, directed by Valerio Ciriaci, produced by Parallelo 41 Produzioni, Awens Film, and Cinecittà.

Special Mention from the Jury: “THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE”, directed by Dheeraj Akolkar, produced by Sant og usant AS.


Milan, September 14, 2024. Yesterday marked the successful conclusion of Visioni Incontra, the Industry section of the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo, curated by Cinzia Masòtina, Head of Industry, which took place on September 12th and 13th at Teatro Litta.

A jury of national and international professionals selected the winners from 18 documentary projects in competition. The projects included both Italian and international “Work in Progress” projects (i.e., those already in production or post-production) and “Final Development” projects, which are fully developed and about to begin production in the coming months.

The awards went to:

“The Other Border”, directed by Simone Mestroni, produced by Rizoma Film, winner of the Visioni Incontra Best Documentary Project 2024 award (€2,500), with the following motivation: “For its intimate yet respectful approach to the reality it represents, suspended between emancipation from traditional models and stereotypical contemporary roles, in a cultural and geographical context so distant yet so close.”

The Other Side of Silence”, directed by Dheeraj Akolkar, produced by Sant og usant AS, winner of the Bio to B Award, which grants the project the opportunity to participate in Bio to B, the annual networking event organized by Biografilm Festival (Bologna) for audiovisual professionals, with the following motivation: “A story that must be told, especially in such a critical moment as the present, through the charisma and emotional power of this woman, who, through her experience and work, stands as a witness to the possibility of overcoming horror.
This project also received the Special Mention from the Jury, with the motivation: “A project that gives voice to stories born out of suffering and trauma, in a search for redemption through hope.”

Wings of Venice”, directed by Mattia Bello, produced by Kublai Film, winner of the Archivio Documentario Luce Award, which provides up to 10 minutes of Cinecittà archival material, with the following motivation: “For its ability to narrate the ingenuity and development of the great national civil aeronautical industry, as well as the birth of the Venice International Film Festival, while simultaneously conveying a message of peace and the ethical use of technological innovations.”

Trust These People”, directed by Francesco Catarinolo, produced by Studio Pandora, winner of the Lo Scrittoio Subtitles Award, with the following motivation: “Once again, sport, with its ability to engage especially young people, becomes a tool to denounce abuses and tyrannies of all kinds, as was the case with the red shirts of tennis players in Chile in the 1970s. This project, starting from an Italian event, broadens its gaze to the world with the ambition of addressing universal issues such as racism, which is far from being eradicated even more than half a century after the events the film seeks to recount.”

In Transit”, directed by Valerio Ciriaci, produced by Parallelo 41 Produzioni, Awens Film, and Cinecittà, winner of the La Compagnia Award, which includes the film in the programming of the Cinema La Compagnia in Florence, the only cinema in Italy dedicated exclusively to documentary films, with the following motivation: “An important story that is still little known. We were impressed by the project’s presentation, the complex research work in the archives, and the creative solutions envisaged. We believe that the story of a pioneer of cinema like Elvira Notari can engage different audiences and address issues such as inclusion and the recovery of great early cinema.”

In Transit” also won the CoPro – The Israeli Coproduction Market Award, which will allow the project to participate in CoPro – The Israeli Coproduction Market, a key reference point in the Israeli film industry, with the following motivation: “The discovery of a pioneering director and her contribution to Italian cinema is a fascinating subject that will capture the attention of international audiences. It deserves international recognition, and this film is the perfect means to achieve it.

The 10th International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo, conceived, founded, and directed by Francesco Bizzarri, with the artistic direction of Maurizio Nichetti, will conclude tomorrow, Sunday, September 15th, with the awards ceremony at 8:00 p.m. at Teatro Litta.


Festival Venues | Milan

  • Teatro Litta, Corso Magenta 24
  • National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Via San Vittore 21
  • Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, Via San Pietro All’Orto 9

Partners and Sponsors 2024: The 10th Festival, organized by Frankieshowbiz, is sponsored by Regione Lombardia, RAI, CNA Cinema and Audiovisual, and the Association of Cinematographic and Television Authorship 100autori.
Main sponsors: GKSD Investment Holding Group, BNL BNP Paribas, and Pirelli.
Media partners: Rai Cultura and Rai Documentari, with the support of Rai Cinema, radio media partner Radio24, and web media partner Taxi Drivers.
Cultural partner: National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci.
Collaborations: Cinecittà, Lombardy Film Commission, Doc/it – Association of Italian Documentarists, MYmovies.it, Image Building, and Cineteca Milano Arlecchino.
Festival partners: CoPro, DOK.fest München, Bio to B – Industry Days 204.

The Festival is associated with Afic – Italian Film Festivals Association.

10° International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo

Milan, from September 12th to September 15th and online on www.visionidalmondo.it

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