11 Jul

The 10th International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo ‘Time Is Up’ is the theme of the 2024 edition From the 12th to the 15th of September, Milan will become the beating heart of documentary cinema: 38 national and international premieres, with events, roundtables and industry encounters

Press release

The 10th International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo

‘Time Is Up’ is the theme of the 2024 edition

From the 12th to the 15th of September, Milan will become the beating heart of documentary cinema:

38 national and international premieres, with events, roundtables and industry encounters

Director Mario Martone will be the guest of honour

Main Sponsor of the Festival: GKSD Investment Holding


 Milan, 11th July 2024. Milan will host the 10th International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo from September 12th to September 15th. This highly anticipated annual event, dedicated to documentary cinema, was conceived and founded by Francesco Bizzarri, who also serves as its director. The artistic direction is led by Maurizio Nichetti.

The 2024 edition of Visioni dal Mondo, commemorating its tenth anniversary, has adopted the thought-provoking theme “Time Is Up“. This theme serves as a call to action and reflection, urging commitment, steadfastness, and determination. Through exclusive premieres, the festival explores the most urgent and pressing issues of our time. Courage, strength, gender equality, the environment, social justice, historical memory, conflicts, human reason and folly, security, freedom, and autism spectrum disorder are among the themes explored by a selection of 38 Italian and international documentaries. These films, presenting diverse perspectives, provide a profound and insightful examination of the world around us.

The 10th edition of the Festival marks an extraordinary milestone, celebrating a decade of dedication to supporting the industry and championing documentary filmmaking as a powerful medium for portraying the complexities of the contemporary world. With the goal of presenting our world through a lens that is both free and open, Visioni dal Mondo has consistently provided an ideal stage for promoting documentary cinema. It has become a pivotal platform for directors, producers, and enthusiasts of the documentary genre alike.


Visioni dal Mondo 2024 will be hosted at three symbolic cultural venues in Milan. Our first venue, Teatro Litta, will screen all films pertaining to the Italian Documentary Contest, and will also host Visioni Incontra, the Festival’s industry section focused on business and tailored for professionals. The Head of Industry for this edition is Cinzia Masòtina. The second location Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci  has integrated virtual reality into its cultural offerings since 2014, and this year will co-curate the third edition of Visioni VR, the documentary contest dedicated to virtual reality. Our last venue is Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, a hallmark of modern art cinema in the city, which will screen the selected documentaries for the International Contest. Visioni dal Mondo will continue to offer the opportunity to view premieres from across Italy on the official Festival website www.visionidalmondo.it through the online screening rooms of the Italian streaming platform MYmovies.

“I am profoundly proud to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo. This milestone represents not only a significant achievement for our Festival but also a major accomplishment for the documentary industry in Italy and worldwide,” emphasized Francesco Bizzarri, founder and President of Visioni dal Mondo. “From the very beginning, our goal has been to create a dynamic and inclusive platform that highlights the power of documentary filmmaking. Over these ten years, we have worked tirelessly to build a bridge between directors and producers, facilitating meetings and collaborations with industry insiders, festival directors, and professionals in the field. This synergy has expanded opportunities for talent and has promoted the dissemination of meaningful and impactful stories. This year’s theme, ‘Time Is Up,’ reflects our urgency to address global challenges through the medium of documentary film. It is a call to action, an invitation to reflect and take a stand on crucial issues. We firmly believe that documentaries are a powerful tool for change, awareness, freedom, and democracy. Looking ahead, we are excited to continue supporting and inspiring the next generation of documentary filmmakers. We extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the success of Visioni dal Mondo, from directors and producers to partners, sponsors, and our passionate audience. Together, we will continue to explore, document, and share the stories that matter.”

The power of documentary filmmaking lies in its ability to tell true stories with depth and authenticity, raising awareness and inspiring change. This year’s selection is particularly impactful, featuring works that address crucial and timely issues. Our Festival has become a benchmark for documentary cinema, and through screenings, meetings, masterclasses, and panel discussions, we continue to promote a vibrant and meaningful dialogue among all participants. Visioni dal Mondo represents a unique opportunity to discover, reflect, and take action.” Maurizio Nichetti, Artistic Director of Visioni dal Mondo.


38 Premieres Scheduled. There are 38 premieres of Italian and international documentary films planned across various sections of the Festival: the Italian Contest, which includes the categories of feature films and new talent debut works from Italian filmmakers, and the International Contest, dedicated to foreign productions.

The Theme of the 2024 Edition. “Time Is Up” is the theme of the tenth edition, designed to provoke a call to action, courage, and confidence in the future. At this critical moment, the Festival, through its documentary films, invites everyone to reflect and unite in a commitment to act with resolve and determination. Time is an irreplaceable resource, and the future depends on the actions taken today. “Time Is Up” is a clear imperative, an invitation to emerge from the shadow of inaction. It is not just an urgent reminder but also a rallying cry to break free from the chains of complaints, to challenge inertia, and to boldly embrace the necessary decisions to shape the future.

Major current issues and stories of both ordinary and famous individuals will be highlighted at Visioni dal Mondo 2024. The festival will cover international themes such as strength, resilience, the dynamics between family and society, as well as courage, environmental disasters, and the fight against corruption in the mining industry. It will also explore the rise of the #MeToo movement in Greece, racism, and the dynamics of the U.S. judicial system. Additionally, there will be original stories about notable figures such as Tony Gaudio, the first Italian to win an Oscar for Best Cinematography for the film “Anthony Adverse” in 1937, eleven years before Vittorio De Sica’s victory. Another film brings to light Max Linder, the first international film star who created the first great cinema persona in the early 1900s. Further individuals such as Giovanni Gastel, the renowned photographer, and Bob Noto, one of the world’s greatest gourmets, will be presented. The story of little Alfredo Rampi, “Alfredino,” who tragically died in an accident in 1981, is an additional significant historical event covered by our film selection. The documentary film screenings will feature the presence of both national and international directors who will engage with the audience, answering questions and providing deeper insights.


Maurizio Nichetti meets Mario Martone. Mario Martone, the acclaimed director and screenwriter, will be the guest of honour at the 10th Festival, with a scheduled interview and discussion.

Visioni dal Mondo for “Feeding Hope,” a European Commission campaign. The screening of the film Winning Battles, directed by Claire Billet, Oliver Jabard, Julien Pebrel, and Olivier Laban-Mattei, in collaboration with the European Commission. This short film was produced for the “Feeding Hope” campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of the EU’s crucial role in funding humanitarian aid operations.


Partners and Sponsors 2024. The 10th Festival, organized by Frankieshowbiz, is endorsed by the Lombardy Region, RAI, CNA Cinema e Audiovisivo, and the Association of Cine-TV Authors 100autori.

Main sponsor: GKSD Investment Holding Group; sponsors: BNL BNP Paribas and Pirelli.

Media partners: Rai Cultura and Rai Documentari, with support from Rai Cinema; radio media partner: Radio24; web media partner: Taxi Drivers.

Cultural partner: Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci.

In collaboration with Cinecittà, Lombardia Film Commission, Doc/it – Associazione Documentaristi Italiani, MYmovies.it, Image Building, and Cineteca Milano Arlecchino.

Festival partners: CoPro, DOK.fest München, Bio to B – Industry Days 2024.

The Festival is associated with Afic – Associazione Festival Italiani di Cinema.


The Sections of Visioni dal Mondo 2024

 The Italian Contest dedicated to Italian filmmakers has two categories: feature films and debut works. 21 documentary films will compete for the following awards:

Visioni dal Mondo Award for Italian Feature Films, valued at 5,000 euros, awarded by a jury including: Domizia De Rosa, President of Women in Film, Television & Media Italia, Giannandrea Pecorelli, film and television producer, Gianfranco Rinaldi, lawyer specializing in film and audiovisual law, professor, and member of film commissions and ministerial committees.

GKSD Investment Holding New Talent Award, valued at 2,500 euros, awarded by a jury composed of students from the following Milanese cinema schools and faculties: Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.


The feature films in the contest will also be eligible for the Rai Cinema Recognition, dedicated to Franco Scaglia, which includes the acquisition of television rights for Rai Networks.

The International Contest, open to independent foreign productions, will feature the Italian premieres of 10 documentary films competing for the following awards:

Visioni dal Mondo Award for Best International Documentary, valued at 3,000 euros, awarded by an international jury including: Heidi Groenauer (Director of ZeLIG, School for Documentary, Television, and New Media), Bettina Hofmann (Co-Director of the Documentary Department at RTS Swiss Radio and Television), Gudula Meinzolt (International Producer).

Amici Cineteca Milano Award, awarded by a jury composed of holders of the 2024 Cinetessera membership card from Cineteca Milano Arlecchino.

Additionally, all titles from both the Italian and international contest available on MYmovies will compete for the MYmovies Award. This audience award is granted by the community of film enthusiasts registered on the MYmovies ONE platform. The award includes an SVOD distribution proposal on MYmovies ONE for 18 months with a flat fee of €2,000, along with media coverage of equal value in the case of theatrical distribution.


Visioni Incontra. Visioni Incontra, the Industry section of the Festival curated by Cinzia Masòtina, will inaugurate the Festival on Thursday, September 12th, and Friday, September 13th. This section, exclusively dedicated to industry professionals, is by invitation only and for accredited participants. It features the Visioni Incontra Competition, dedicated to documentary projects that are still in the work-in-progress or final development stages. The program includes one-on-one meetings with potential financiers, commissioning editors, co-producers, distributors, film commissions, funds, panels, and roundtables.


19 Italian and international projects will compete for the following awards:

Visioni Incontra Award for Best Documentary Project, valued at 2,500 euros

– Lo Scrittoio Subtitles Award, granted to the project that best represents global and intercultural themes

Archivio Documentario Luce Award, consisting of the provision of up to 10 minutes of archival material from Luce, awarded to the project deemed most interesting for its use of the archive by Luce officials

La Compagnia Award, involving the selection of a project that, once completed, will be included in the programming of Cinema La Compagnia in Florence, the only cinema in Italy exclusively dedicated to documentary films

Bio to B Award, involving the selection of a project that will be able to participate in Bio to B – Industry Days, the annual event organized by Biografilm Festival (Bologna) dedicated to business-to-business networking among audiovisual professionals

CoPro – The Israeli Coproduction Market Award, involving the selection of a project that will be able to participate in CoPro – The Israeli Coproduction Market, a key event in the Israeli film industry

 Additionally, in our non-competing section of the Festival, we will present the project “Storie per Sandro,” directed by Giacomo Boeri and produced by The Blink Fish, with Carlo Alpeggiani as producer. This project is the winner of the Visioni Incontra Award at the Bio to B – Industry Days 2024 of the Biografilm Festival, in partnership with the Bologna event.


After the pandemic, there was a renewed creative, productive, and distributive optimism in the documentary world,” says Cinzia Masòtina, Head of Industry. “The 2024 edition of the Berlinale underscored this with the Golden Bear awarded to ‘Dahomey’ by French director Mati Diop, highlighting the centrality and importance of documentary cinema at the European and global levels. However, in Italy, we may be at a turning point that is not entirely positive for documentary and independent cinema as a whole. Visioni Incontra 2024 will once again demonstrate that the documentary genre is a workshop for innovative storytelling, a non-rhetorical mirror of identity, and a guardian and modernizer of the memory of places, people, art, and history of our country. Culture, collective imagination, and the new generations need this nourishment more than ever, which is not just a side dish to a fixed menu.


Visioni VR. Now in its third edition, this section of the Festival is entirely dedicated to virtual reality. It was created through the collaboration between Visioni dal Mondo and the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, with the aim of promoting the ‘virtual’ creativity of the documentary sector and offering the public increasingly immersive experiences. This year, 6 documentaries will participate, covering topics from current events to pedagogy, physical journeys to inner explorations, and accounts of crucial recent historical events. These documentaries will compete for the Visioni dal Mondo Special Award, decided by a popular jury, valued at 1,000 euros.


Among the highly anticipated premieres featuring real-life storytelling at the Festival:

The opening film of the tenth edition of the Festival will be the documentary “The Lost Legacy of Tony Gaudio,” directed by Alessandro Nucci. The film has been invited to a screening on Thursday, September 12th, at Teatro Litta, with the director attending. The film brings to light the story of a young Calabrian man who embarked on the American Dream in 1906: Gaetano ‘Tony’ Gaudio. Under the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, Tony quickly nurtured his passion for cinematography, and his talent led him to Hollywood. He reached the pinnacle of his career in 1937 by winning the Oscar for Best Cinematography for the film “Anthony Adverse,” becoming the first Italian to receive this recognition, and preceding Vittorio De Sica’s Oscar by 11 years. “The Lost Legacy of Tony Gaudio” is a tribute to an Italian migrant who brought Italian creativity, knowledge, and artisanship to the burgeoning American film industry, and who should not be forgotten.

Also focusing on the history of cinema is “Life & Deaths of Max Linder,” directed by Edward Porembny. This feature-length film tells the forgotten story of Max Linder, the first international film star, often overlooked by public despite his profound impact on cinematic history. Celebrated in Europe and in the US for his charm and ingenious boulevardier persona, Linder earned fortunes and captivated millions of viewers on both continents, directly influencing Charlie Chaplin in creating his famous alter ego. The documentary explores the dramatic life of the actor, from his extraordinary adventures to the tragic double suicide with his wife, an event that marked the end of his brilliant career. Why has such an influential figure been forgotten? “Life & Deaths of Max Linder” seeks to answer this question, offering an in-depth look at a silent film icon and the tragic personal events that contributed to his obscurity over time. Utilizing artificial intelligence to increase frame rates and neural networks to enhance image quality, the director reconstructs and completes the film with original material, restoring life and visual clarity to the character.

Call me Mule, a feature film directed by John McDonald, chronicles the pilgrimage of John Sears, known as Mule, who has travelled the western United States with his three mules for over thirty years. This 65-year-old man embraces a life en plein air, advocating for the right to free movement and a harmonious connection with nature. During an epic 500-mile journey to deliver a message to the Governor of California, Mule encounters challenges with local authorities and institutions, and seeks an alternative to modernity. Through the compelling narrative of this intriguing character who defies the norms in a land of liberty, the film raises fundamental questions about freedom of movement and access to public land, challenging contemporary societal values and conventions.

For the Time Being, the debut feature film by German director Nele Dehnenkamp, portrays Michelle Bastien-Archer’s determined battle against the American judicial system. Driven to prove her husband’s innocence, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter, Michelle tirelessly works for his release. Jermaine was incarcerated in New York’s maximum-security prison, Sing Sing. With the emergence of new documents that cast doubt on a key testimony from the trial, Michelle’s hope ignites, further strengthening her commitment to seek justice for Jermaine. Michelle, a municipal employee and single mother of two, confronts challenges with steadfastness, sharing her fears and hopes. The documentary captures her daily life amidst phone calls from prison, visits to lawyers, and solidarity events for unjustly convicted African Americans. “For the Time Being” transcends a love story, and delves deeply into racism and the dynamics of the US judicial system, offering an intense and compelling narrative on the struggle for justice and human resilience.

Grand Me, directed by Iranian filmmaker Atiye Zare Arandi, depicts the story of Melina, a young girl who resides with her grandparents following her parents’ divorce. Neither parent is willing to prioritize Melina’s well-being over their new relationships. At nine years old, Melina gains the legal right to petition for custody and to live with her mother, a wish obstructed by both her father and stepfather. The film chronicles Melina’s escalating tensions, daily challenges, and rapid maturation as she copes with her father’s physical abuse and her mother’s emotional absence. Ultimately, Melina chooses not to pursue legal action, understanding that it won’t resolve her issues. Direct and outspoken, she confronts her mother in a poignant conversation, symbolically putting her “on trial.” “Grand Me” offers a profound exploration of a child’s resilience in an adult world and the intricate dynamics of a family, addressing themes of child welfare and parental responsibility.

Tack, directed by Vania Turner, follows the journey of Sofia Bekatorou, an Olympic sailing champion who ignited the #MeToo movement in Greece. Sofia’s bravery in exposing violence by a prominent figure in the Hellenic Sailing Federation sparked unprecedented social change. Inspired by Sofia, young athlete Amalia pursues her own fight for justice after enduring abuse from her coach in childhood. The documentary captures two pivotal years in their lives, highlighting their determination to transform Greek society. Sofia advocates for legal reforms to empower abuse victims, while Amalia becomes the central figure in Greece’s first #MeToo trial against her abuser. They navigate challenges within the judicial system and society with dignity and resolve. “Tack” sensitively portrays courtroom drama through animated sequences that vividly depict the legal proceedings. The film documents the courage to confront gender-based violence, exposing the impact of trauma on victims and systemic shortcomings in justice systems, including the isolation of victims in small communities.

Bob Noto, the World’s Finest Palate, directed by Francesco Catarinolo, portrays the life of Bob Noto, who passed away in 2017. This documentary goes beyond chronicling the story of an exceptional man and delves into the power of perspective. Bob’s artistic sensibility, captured through photographs of dishes, reflects the essence of some of the greatest chefs in the Italian and international cuisine. From Ferran Adrià, sharing his special bond with Bob, to Scabin, Baronetto, Bottura, Cracco, Crippa, and other notable figures, top chefs from Europe and around the globe come together to illustrate how Bob influenced our perception and enjoyment of food. The film is a pilgrimage in search of the finest dish and the perfect moment to immortalize it with a “click”. This journey explores the profound meaning behind the term “gourmet”.

Il Mondo Fuori – La vita e i luoghi di Giovanni Gastel, directed by Camilla Morino, encapsulates Giovanni Gastel’s journey. “There’s nothing out there,” Giovanni Gastel would say from his photography studio, reflecting on a world where time seemed to stand still, and the desire to venture beyond faded. Today, what lingers? Giovanni Gastel, hailing from one of Milan’s esteemed aristocratic families, launched his photography career in a cramped, damp cellar, eventually gracing the pages of leading fashion magazines. Yet outside his studio walls, the world was chaotic, noisy, and fast-paced. Giovanni cultivated small islands of joy, like his welcoming studio where time seemed to dissolve upon entry. At day’s end, as visitors prepared to depart, Giovanni would jest, “Where are you off to? There’s nothing out there!” This documentary traces Gastel’s life through intimate accounts from close friends and family, including his son Marco Gastel, sister Anna Gastel, Luisa Radice Fossati, stylist Micaela Sessa, photographer Silvia Paoli, architects Pietro Lissoni and Stefano Boeri, model Bianca Balti, and journalist Cristina Lucchini. Through interviews, video footage, and cherished memories, the director constructs a portrait of the photographer, piecing together the fragments that remain “outside”.

La tv nel pozzo, directed by Andrea Porporati, recounts the Vermicino incident, a tragic event that shook Italy on June 10, 1981, leading to the death of Alfredo Rampi, affectionately known as Alfredino. Beyond detailing the events, this documentary explores the media’s impact on public perception. Rai’s live coverage of the 18-hour rescue attempt transformed Alfredino’s case into a pivotal moment in Italian media history. The enduring symbol of this tragedy remains the image of a smiling child in a striped shirt, which quickly became familiar across Italy through newspaper headlines and national broadcasts. Forty years later, Alfredino’s innocent smile graces a 20-meter mural in Rome’s Garbatella district, serving as a poignant reminder of the era-defining event. “La tv nel pozzo” does not narrate the story’s chronology; instead, it examines those who conveyed it—the media, who made Alfredo Rampi’s story a cornerstone of collective memory.


Locations of the Festival | Milan:

  • Teatro Litta, Corso Magenta 24
  • Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Via San Vittore 21
  • Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, Via San Pietro All’Orto 9


Entry Information:

  • Single entry to screenings at Teatro Litta and Cineteca Milano Arlecchino: €5
  • Entry for two people at Teatro Litta and Cineteca Milano Arlecchino: €7
  • Subscription for all screenings at Teatro Litta and Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, including MYmovies ONE subscription: €14.99
  • Entry to Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, including Visioni VR screenings: Full price €10; reduced price €7.50
  • Subscription for all online screenings on MYmovies ONE available from September 12 to 22 via web, smartphone, tablet, and smart TV: €3.90



10° International Documentary Festival  Visioni dal Mondo
in Milano from 12 to 15 september www.visionidalmondo.it

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