16 Mar

Submissions now open for the “Best Pitch” Contest of Visioni Incontra the Industry Forum of the International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo – Milan

Submissions now open for

the “Best Pitch” Contest of

Visioni Incontra

the Industry Forum of

the International Documentary Festival

Visioni dal Mondo – Milan


New this year: submissions open also for the international projects!


Contest’s rules and regulations available on the Festival’s website



The 7th International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo, founded and directed by Francesco Bizzarri with the artistic direction of Maurizio Nichetti, as of today, March 16th, is open to submissions for the Best Pitch’s Contest Visioni Incontra 2021.

Visioni Incontra, the Industry section of the Festival, is a forum for documentary filmmakers and producers to meet with broadcaster commissioners, sales agents, cinema circuits, national and international distributors, platform and institutional managers, and will be held during the first two days of the Festival, Thursday 16 and Friday 17 September.

New for the 2021 edition of Visioni Incontra is the opening of the contest to international projects seeking funding.

Available from today, March 16th, the Contest Rules and the Entry Form on the official website of the Festival www.visionidalmondo.it. The deadline for submitting entries to the competitions is 7 June 2021.

The contest is open to independent productions and co-productions already funded for at least 30 % of the estimated budget. The aim of Visioni Incontra is to promote a quality selection of italian and international projects of contemporary creative documentaries and will favour the artistic quality of the project, the uniqueness of the content, the relevance of the subject matter, the stage of development, the estimated potential for the project to travel internationally as well as its financial feasibility.

The selected projects will be presented in a pitching session to an audience of professionals. One-to-one meetings for funding, co-productions and distribution agreements will follow.

The best documentary will be awarded with the “Visioni Incontra Best Documentary Project” prize.

The International Documentary Festival Visioni dal Mondo, confirms for the seventh edition the two venues: the prestigious Teatro Litta, one of the most significant works of architecture in Milan, and the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, the most important scientific and technical museum in Italy and one of the most important in Europe and in the world.

Visioni dal Mondo will carefully look at the ongoing reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, and will follow all public health guidelines. Should the situation with the pandemic  worsens during the Festival period, contingency plans will be put in place in due time to expand or limit/cancel in-cinema presentations, and utilize the online btb platforms.