Lisca Bianca

Italian Contest – Feature Film


“Lisca Bianca” is a captivating documentary that tells the story of a sailboat that has transformed the lives of many people over the course of almost 40 years. Initially conceived as a houseboat by Palermo couple Sergio and Licia Albeggiani, who fulfilled their dream of sailing around the world, the boat has become a symbol of community and hope. Today, the baton is handed over to Marco and Andrea, the new skippers, who continue the legacy of Lisca Bianca. The documentary explores how Lisca Bianca has become a beacon of redemption for young people in trouble, such as Gioele, who is involved in a process of restorative justice. Through touching testimonies and a journey that weaves together the past and the present, the film traces how this boat, risen from the ashes of abandonment, continues to inspire dreams of freedom and opportunities for change.Il documentario esplora come Lisca Bianca sia diventata un faro di riscatto per Giole e altri giovani “difficili”, coinvolti in un percorso di giustizia riparativa. Attraverso testimonianze emozionanti e un viaggio che intreccia passato e presente, il film racconta come questa barca, risorta dalle ceneri dell’abbandono, continui a ispirare sogni di libertà e opportunità di miglioramento e di speranza.


Director:  Giuseppe Galante, Giorgia Sciabbica
Production:  Ginko Film
Producer:  Chiara Andrich
Editing:  Beatrice Perego, Giuseppe Galante
Cinematography:  Giuseppe Galante, Giorgia Sciabbica
Duration:  56′
Country: Italy
Year:  2024

Director’s Notes:

The story of Lisca Bianca is an emblem of change, of getting involved with yourself. Lisca sails towards a utopian destination; a challenge, a search for ever new horizons. Utopia is therefore the topos of the film, the same that animates who gets on the boat. Utopia understood as emancipation from ourselves and continuous drive towards an intimate transformation. Our film is a quest that, through a unique story, wants to abstract the universality that characterizes every attempt at change.