
Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima

Brief Synopsis:

Climate change has lengthened the dry season and with it the fire season. Fire is blamed on arsonists, the prevention system and human neglect. Today, fire has become a symbol of death and destruction. Yet civilization has developed around it. Since archaic times, the ability to harness, direct and fight fire differentiates us from other living beings. “Fires” is a choral documentary that invites us to reconstruct the lost relationship between man and fire. A plural narrative that comes to life in Sardinia, an island in southern Italy increasingly afflicted by the scourge of summer fires. A territory where the struggle to extinguish is mixed with the stories of those who suffer the flames on their skin; people, flora and fauna without any discrimination.


Director:  Ruben Gagliardini
Production:  Azzurrescenze
Producer:  Alessandro Baroli, Ruben Gagliardini, Tommaso Giantomassi, Nicola Sorrentino
Editing:  Ruben Gagliardini, Jan Devetak, Alessandro Giorgini, Nicola Sorrentino
Cinematography:  Tommaso Giantomassi
Duration:  52′
Country: Italy
Year:  2024

Director’s Notes:

I chose to give voice to my interest in the climate crisis through the narrative of wildfires. This allowed me to explore both the human and scientific aspects of the topic. During filming, I aimed to focus on the animal-environment relationship, allowing the camera to move freely and listen to the stories of each context. The purpose of this approach was to provide an image where different perspectives coexist, both in terms of the theme and its expressive forms.