Femmenell (Chic e Favoloso)

Italian Contest – Feature Film

Brief Synopsis:

The winner of the Best Documentary Project at Visioni Incontra in 2019, Femmenell (Chic and Fabulous) explores the physical and psychological duality of the Femminielli, an ancient figure in Neapolitan popular culture. These individuals live their daily lives feeling both male and female simultaneousl. Strongly integrated into the social fabric in which they live, they depend on it to express themselves freely, serving as a spiritual and religious reference point for the community. Despite the emergence of new social models, the centuries-old traditions associated with the Femminielli still survive, such as the Marriage of the Femminielli, the Figliata, or the Pilgrimage to Montevergine. The film is a journey between the sacred and the profane, with the hope and awareness that as long as Naples exists, so will the Femminielli.


Director:  Andrea Fortis
Production:  Cromazoo
Producer:  Gianluca Contaldi, Andrea Fortis
Editing:  Andrea Fortis
Cinematography:  Michele Gerthoux, Andrea Fortis
Duration:  70′
Country: Italy
Year:  2024

Director’s Notes:

The mood of the documentary often verges on the surreal, because of the situations described, the people portrayed, and the lively hues that characterize the photography. Through the spontaneity of the characters and the shooting techniques, this surreal atmosphere comes with a sense of truth. As opposed to how the story of Naples is often told, this rendition conveys its colorful and life-affirming sides, that integrate people by adapting them to its peculiar context.