
Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima

Brief Synopsis:

Marco Cavallo is a four-meter blue sculpture that contains in its belly, like a Trojan horse, the dreams of freedom of the former inmates of the Trieste asylum. In 1972 it was a real horse from the park of the mental hospital, saved from planned slaughter by a letter sent to the Province by the patients who were prisoners there. In the fifty years since Law 180, it has become a symbol of Franco Basaglia’s liberation and cultural revolution, but today, following its “eviction” from the municipality of Muggia that housed it, it has begun a new journey across the country, bringing with it those still unfulfilled dreams and their inevitable contradictions.


Directors:  Maria Elena Franceschini, Lisa Marchiani, Elena Magnani, Aurelio Russo
Production:  Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti
Editing:  Maria Elena Franceschini, Lisa Marchiani, Elena Magnani, Aurelio Russo
Cinematography:  Maria Elena Franceschini, Lisa Marchiani, Elena Magnani, Aurelio Russo
Duration:  40′
Country: Italy
Year:  2024

DIrector’s Notes:

Marco Cavallo is the symbol of liberation and openness, but also of the conflicting and contradictory condition of the relationship between health and madness, which the closure of asylums does not resolve, but rather opens up. Our main interest is to tell his story as a symbol, to turn it into a fable and a game by evoking it through archive images, animations, real horses, horses in the history of art and the stories of those who knew him, held together by Radio Fragola, a free and chaotic place where there’s room for all voices.