Ponticelli good land

19th September 2020



Italian contest

Brief Synopsis:

Ponticelli, about 60,000 inhabitants, once a very fertile horticultural reserve, is one of the Eastern neighborhoods east of Naples torn by the transformations of the last 40 years. Yet this “big back of the city” seeks redemption every day and is pregnant with life and the future. The humanity of the minimal stories and the beauty of the extensive landscapes intersect in the story and are a trace to recognize identity. The film recounts this transversal gaze of an apparently unchanging territory, yet rich in stories and history, relationships and communities, ideas and energies. The puzzle of people and places, fragments of a mirror that has fallen apart but which can be glued and put back in place.


Directed by: The students of the “Atelier di cinema del reale 2018”: Marie Audiffren, Gabriella Denisi, Giovanni Linguiti, Luca Ciriello, Isabella Mari, Daniele Pallotta, Antonio Longobardi, Alessandro Freschi supervised by Bruno Oliviero e Alessandro Rossetto
Production: Apulia Film Commission e Fondazione CON IL SUD nell’ambito del Social Film Fund Con il Sud
Executive Production: Parallelo 41 Produzioni
Producer: Antonella Di Nocera
Editing: Mariachiara Piccolo
Cinematography: Marie Audiffren, Luca Ciriello, Gabriella Denisi, Alessandro Freschi, Giovanni Linguiti, Antonio Longobardi, Isabella Mari, Daniele Pallotta
Running time: 80’
Country: Italy
Year: 2020
Contacts: Parallelo 41 Produzioni │ parallelo41produzioni@gmail.com

Director’s note:

There are places that when you get to know them become stories. They themselves, for their houses, their streets, their experiences. Our relationship with Ponticelli was like this. The film is written within this territory, indeed it is precisely the territory that speaks. A film born to tell and rethink the suburbs in an imaginary composed of fragments that reflect stories, all made with the gaze of the “cinema del reale” and the creation documentaries where the production method of a film becomes linked to an adventure of shooting.