Return to Raqqa

Concorso Internazionale


Return to Raqqa, a feature film by directors Albert Solé and Raul Cuevas, follows the story of Spanish journalist Marc Marginedas, who was kidnapped by the Islamic State in Syria. He was one of 19 journalists taken prisoner by the terrorist group in 2013 and was held captive for six months before being released.

The documentary is based on his experiences and interviews with other journalists who were also kidnapped. Through Marginedas’s story, Return to Raqqa sheds light on the dangers faced by journalists reporting from conflict zones and the sacrifices they make in pursuit of truth.

The documentary film exposes and questions the role of governments and international organisations in protecting journalists and ensuring their safe return home.


Director:  Albert Solé e Raul Cuevas
Productiom:  Minimal Films
Lenght:  80′
Nation: Spain
Year:  2022

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