Life is a game

Concorso italiano – Lungometraggi


By hybridizing the language of the ethnographic interview with animated fiction, the film places the viewer at the center of a fictitious assembly of riders: in this choral dialogue the protagonists are 13 riders from three continents. Through their story, the film sheds light on the impact that this new form of economy has not only on their daily gamified life, but also on urban geography, constantly redesigned in terms of routes and in the spaces’ use. What emerges is a complex, personal and at times contradictory vision of the role of riders in the city, often in total antithesis with the narrative conveyed by the marketing departments of the big company involved in this sector of economy.


Director:  Luca Quagliato, Laura Carrer
Production:  Irpi Media, Enece Film, Nepente Film, Hermes Center
Producer:  Luca Rinaldi
Editing:  Guglielmo Trupia
Cinematography:  Luca Quagliato
Lenght:  60′
Nation: Italy
Year:  2023

Director’s notes:

Shot at night on the streets of some European cities, the film is made up of a series of interviews in five languages edited to create an ideal dialogue between the subjects, always shot in close-up. The interviews are interspersed with the story of Emma, an animated fictional character, which has allowed us to narrate some real news events that are difficult to interpret for many riders. Emma thus allows the viewer to experience firsthand the lights and shadows of the rider’s work within the city.