The Giants' field
Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima
Ulderico Tramacere, an artist from Salento, decides, together with a trusted team, to save a piece of land of centuries-old olive trees affected by the Xylella epidemic, transforming it into a land-art work. However, a premature and unexpected event puts him to the test by giving him the opportunity to show the first men a sacred place, a monument to the memory of these immense creatures that he will define “the Giants”. With suffering and difficulty Ulderico will be able to complete his goal which will unleash in him and in the “spectators” the desire to want to see Il Campo dei Giganti grow again.
Director’s notes:
I knew very little about Xylella and even less about its damage in Salento. Once I got there, however, the first thing I thought, even before the displeasure for the immense dry and felled creatures, I thought: how do you tell a tree? After starting the adventure and failing the first approaches, I realized that it wasn’t the tree I should have told but the wonderful person I had been entrusted to get to know the territory and the drama. Ulderic. A unique man, with such a powerful energy to overwhelm you and so it was.