Listening with the eyes

“Listening with the eyes” is an effective synaesthesia to stimulate everyone to tune in their mind, eyes and heart to live intensely and deeply understand documentary films that tell about life, events, changes with a completely free audio-visual language.
For a true observer is one who also listens through the eyes.

The 2023 edition proposes a new journey through the cinema of reality, independent cinema, non-aligned, with true stories narrated by the protagonists. A bridge between the creativity of documentary filmmaking, investigative journalism, and scientific, social and sociological investigation: Visioni dal Mondo. Premiere documentary films to listen to and watch to capture all the technological, political, scientific and human revolutions of our time..

Characters, ideas and events, which will influence the world of tomorrow, become protagonists in different genres from drama to comedy with universal and individual applicability.

Rules and Regulations


  • The Italian Contest is divided into two competitive categories: Italian Feature Film Contest, reserved for documentaries longer than 50′, and New Talent First Work Contest, reserved for first works with no length limit.
  • The documentaries completed after the 1st of January 2022 and not yet screened in Italy in any place and context can participate to the Italian contest
  • The Festival will not consider for the contest all works which have already had public screenings and/or television/web passages, in any way or format, in Italy and which have participated in national festivals (they must be premieres).
  • The Italian competition is open only to Italian independent productions. A production is considered Italian if 50% or more of the film’s funding comes from sources within Italy or if in an Italian minority co-productions, the director is of Italian nationality. Independent is a production not entirely financed by broadcasters.
  • Language and subtitle: all documentaries selected for the Italian competition will be presented in Italian with English subtitles. If the documentary or parts of it are in dialect and / or in a different language from Italian, both Italian and English subtitles are required. All subtitles are at the expense of the applicants and their Production Company, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

Italian Contest: Prizes and Awards

  1. Visioni dal Mondo Italian Feature Film Contest Prize worth 5,000 euros, reserved for documentaries longer than 50′.
  2. Visioni dal Mondo New Talent first work prize worth 2,500 euros, reserved for first works; there is no limit on length. The award aims to help reveal and give visibility to young new talents.
  3. Rai Cinema award, for feature films in competition, dedicated to Franco Scaglia, which includes the acquisition of television rights for Rai Networks. Reserved for documentaries longer than 50′.

INTERNATIONAL CONTEST: feature: duration more than 65′

  • The Contest is open to feature films that portray the globalised world as a source of great contrasts, but also of exceptional characters, alternative models, fascinating collective gestures, non-violent rebellions, and stories of hope. Universal stories and singular stories, with all possible tones, from drama to comedy: Listening with the eyes.
  • International feature length documentaries with duration more than 65’ completed after 1st of January 2022.
  • International documentaries mean all films produced outside of Italy and directed by non-Italians and where more than 50% of the project financing originated from sources outside Italy.
  • Must be Italian premieres: Visioni dal Mondo will not consider for the contest all works that have had already in Italy, in any manner or form, public screenings and / or television / internet passages, and that have already taken part in other Italian festivals.
  • Language and subtitle: Must be in English or in the original language with English subtitles. The additional presence of Italian subtitles will be appreciated. The film will be screened also with Italian subtitles.

Prizes, Awards and Jury

The Festival Direction designates:

  • an Official Italian Feature Film Jury, which will award Visioni dal Mondo Prize Italian Feature Film Contest of 5000 euros.
  • a Young Students Jury that will award the Visioni dal Mondo New Talent first work Prize of 2500 euros.
  • An International Jury that will award the Visioni dal Mondo International Competition prize of 3000 euros to the winner of the international competition.

The Festival Direction reserves the right to nominate additional prizes and juries for the 2023 edition.

These prizes will be awarded to the filmmakers of the winning works.

All documentaries selected in competition and those awarded with prizes or special mentions will have to include the Festival’s Lauro/logo in their opening titles and promotional materials. The Festival office will send the official logos.

Entry Procedures and requirements

Every film must be submitted through the online registration procedure ‘ENTRY FORM’ available on this site.

  • Here you can fill out the Entry Form Italian Contest 2023
  • Here you can fill out the Entry Form International Contest 2023

Those who want to participate in the competition must, no later than May 31, 2023, complete the ENTRY FORM following the procedures indicated and sending the relative materials requested in the entry form. The link and password must remain open and active at least until the end of the Festival.

Participants will be notified of their selection by July 1, 2023.

The entry will be accepted if all the requested materials and information are received within the required deadlines. After completing the entry form you will receive a confirmation email. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

No screeners or application material will be returned.

Submission fees

Submission fee for the Italian contest preselection is 25 euros Vat included.

Submission fee for the International contest preselection is 25 euros.

The fee covers the administrative expenses related to cataloguing and previewing each film.

The fee covers the administrative expenses related to cataloguing and previewing each film.

Registration for the pre-selection is considered valid and effective when the candidate has fulfilled the rules and requirements of the competition, when the screener link has been uploaded, when the entry form with all the required information has been correctly filled in and when the registration fee has been paid.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Submissions not complying with the submission fee payment will not be considered. Submissions fees are not refundable.

No film will be taken in consideration for preselection prior to the submission’s fee receipt.

To proceed with payment: Entry fee Italian Competition – Entry fee International Competition.

Selected films

Selection and Programming’s criteria

The selection for the Italian contest and for the International contest are done by the Festival Directors and by the selection committee and the decisions are based on those they consider to be the artistic and narrative merits.

The Festival has no obligation to provide comments or feedback regarding the films submitted by the applicant or by any other representative of the film.

Once the official selection invitation has been accepted a selected film cannot be removed from the official programme.

Final programming, categorization and slotting of films will be determined by the Festival directors. Their decision is final. The general programme and the schedule of the screening falls within the exclusive competence of the Festival directors. Each documentary may be screened up to a maximum of 2 times in the theatre. Each title will be streamed once and will remain on demand for the next week.

The Festival will publish a digital catalogue with the full programme.

Required items for Selected films (THEATRE SCREENING)

The directors / producers of the selected documentaries should send the following documentation within 5 days from notice of the selection.

By regular mail or DHL, the printed materials to the following address:

VISIONI DAL MONDO – Ufficio programmazione c/o Frankie Show Biz s.r.l.
Via Privata Maria Teresa 11
20123 MILANO
2/3 poster – NOT COMPULSORY
10 images of the Film – NOT COMPULSORY
1 picture of the director – NOT COMPULSORY
20 press book – NOT COMPULSORY

Admitted Screening Formats

Italian Feature Film Contest and Italian New Talent Contest

Main screening format:

Format: mp4 or .mov

Codec: H264

Resolution: 1920×1080

Bitrate: 4.000 / 16.000kbps

Audio stereo AAC/MP4 48000Hz

Back up:

Format: .mp4 or .mov



bitrate variable (max 20mbit/s)

Audio stereo AAC/MP4 48000Hz

The HD Files of the documentaries/ the backup selected must arrive in the format listed above no later than July 20, 2023, following the instructions that will be provided by the Programming Office. A copy of the documentary will remain in the Festival archive for possible non-commercial use.

The Festival office will get in touch with you about the shipping methods and the exact address.

At the end of the Festival on 17th September 2023, filmmakers will be able to pick up the screening copies if they are sent in physical form. The shipping costs of the films (delivery and return) shall be at the expense of the applicants, unless otherwise specifically agreed with the Programming Office.

International contest

The screening format is HD file and DCP

Main screening format:


Back up:



bitrate variable (max 20 mbit/s)

Audio stereo AAC/MP4 48000Hz

The HD Files of the documentaries/backups selected at the festival must arrive in the format listed above no later than July 20, 2023, following the instructions that will be provided by the Programming Office. A copy of the documentary will remain in the Festival archive for possible non-commercial use.

Visioni dal Mondo and Frankie Show Biz srl are not responsible for any damage to the hard drive resulting from faulty packaging.

If the shipment comes from outside the European Community, the pro-forma invoice must have a value of no more than 10 euros and must include the name of the shipper, the title of the film, its duration, and the VAT number of Frankie Show Biz srl 09088490967.

The Festival office will get in touch with you about the modalities and the exact shipping address.

At the end of the Festival on 17th September 2023 the filmmakers will be able to collect the screening copies. The shipping costs of the films (round trip) are to be paid by the applicants, unless otherwise specifically agreed with the Programming Office.


Visioni dal Mondo will provide also an online platform in agreement with the rights holders. The documentaries will therefore also be available online to all those who register from Italy and for a viewing of up to a maximum of 500 people per title. Each title will be streamed once and will remain on demand for the next week.

Required items for Selected films (ONLINE SCREENING)

Italian and International Contest

Send your documentary in the following technical format:

  • Resolution: 1920×1080 or 1280×720
  • Frame Rate:976
  • Codec: H.264 | Wrapper: .mp4
  • Bit Rate: 4/16 Mbps | VBR 2-pass export
  • Subtitles: English subtitles in srt file

General rules

The Festival will not be held responsible for the unauthorized inclusion of any copyrighted materials within or relating to the submitted film. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to secure clearance from the copyright holders of any copyrighted materials included in the submitted film. The Festival reserves the right to disqualify any film containing unauthorized inclusion of copyrighted materials.

In the case of faulty online projection, the Festival cannot be held liable for intangible losses incurred by director, producer, or distributor.

In case of conflicting interpretation only the Italian version of the Rules and Regulations is considered valid.

Entry and participation of documentaries implies unconditional acceptance of the above Rules and Regulations. The Festival Directors could take all decisions on different subjects not provided in these Rules and regulations.

After the selection of a documentary, the festival has the right to:

  • use up to five-minute video of the documentary for publicity and online purposes
  • use all publicity material to promote the Festival
  • keep a copy of the documentary in its archive for non-commercial use, and for educational purposes

Any litigation will be judged by the Court of Milano, Italy.

c/o Frankie Show Biz srl
legal address: Via Volturno, 47 – 20159 Milano
operative branch: Via Privata Maria Teresa 11 – 20123 Milano


The Festival foresees, for the 2023 edition, the in theatre screening in Milan, Covid rules permitting, complementary also to the online mode, on platform.

In the case of the in-theatre screening in Milan, the Festival offers free hotel accommodation for the director of each selected documentary. Only the accommodation tax (4€) is to be paid by the guest and will have to be settled directly by the host. After the selection, the Festival will inform the filmmakers about all accommodation arrangements.

Accommodation is valid for one person (director), for one/two nights at the Festival’s partner hotel.

If there are two or more directors, the Festival Management reserves the right to inform the directors of the accommodation arrangements once the selection has been made.