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Eventi / Film del 15 September 2018 › Fuori concorso


Seven Women

15 September 2018 h. 20:30
Triennale di Milano

As my second project, Seven Women I wanted to film several different kinds of women from, journalists, to costume designers, to actresses to Rosita Missoni the founder, with her husband Ottavio, of Missoni brand,  to Rula Jebreal, CNN journalist from Palestine to Patricia Field  the costume designer of "Sex and the City" and "The Devil wears Prada" to Bethann Hardison, the first black runway model  and African activist; to Susanne Bartsch and Alba Clemente, New York artists, to Fran Dresher the creator of  "The Nanny" and activist. It is a series of stories, that could be difficult sometimes to achieve […]

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