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Official declarations

Dear Friends,

I’m happy to announce that the Festival reaches its third edition this year with a schedule full of great previews, encounters, events, masterclass, prestigious guests. The Festival, organized by UniCredit Pavilion and the production company FRANKIESHOWBIZ, with the artistic direction of Fabrizio Grosoli and by the meaningful presence of institutions and important partners, presents this year more than 30 documentaries; 12 italian independent productions selected out of over 200 titles received will compete for the ‘Stories of the Contemporary World award’; 10 international titles, award  winners in the most prestigious world’s festivals will be screened as Italian premieres; 10 titles  of the best contemporary Italian cinematographic productions of Raicinema, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, and other partners will also be presented in the non competitive section.

Thanks to the partnership with the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, the Festival doubles its venues: in addition to the UniCredit Pavilion,  the new prestigious headquarter of the Foundation will host a selection of international documentaries that meet the festival and the foundation cultural and social research values.

Identity in movement, displacement, trajectories and stories that create encounters and debates about conflicting worldviews. Immigration and the loss of borders, dynamics of transfer, demographic shuffling. Domestic violence, Eating Disorders, wars, environment, science and innovation, cybersecurity and Brexit will be the subjects treated through the original narration of the feature documentary.

This year, the Festival pays homage to an important international cinematographic event: Hot Docs, the biggest and most known north american documentary festival. In particular the festival will screen within the International Panorama Section a selection of titles presented at the 24th Hot Docs edition. The president of Hot Docs, Chris McDonald  will be a guest of honor at the Festival and will present the Italian preview of “In the name of all Canadians”, an original production of Hot Docs. Furthermore, Chris  will present a panel about the possible synergies between Hot Docs and the Canadian production and the Italian documentary world. Chris McDonald will also be part of the Jury that will establish the winner of the Italian contest ‘Storie dal mondo contemporaneo’.

Last but not least we’re honored to hand over the award Premio Visioni dal Mondo to a great Italian master and director, Leonardo di Costanzo, to whom the festival will dedicate a rich Retrospective. Furthermore, on Sunday morning, Leonardo Di Costanzo will conduct  a  masterclass open to everybody (free entrance).

I cannot mention here all events and appointments: so if you don’t want to miss them, visit our website  www.visionidalmondo.it

Happy viewing!



The third edition of A Window on the World, Images from Reality keeps and reinforces the strong identity gained during the two previous editions.

The Festival’s vocation is to promote the quality – but also the social and economic relevance – of the Italian documentary cinema.

The Festival will host, even in this edition, the italian competition reserved to documentaries premieres brought by young and independent italian directors and producers. The Festival will also host the two days of professional meeting “Visioni Incontra” where 15 projects, work in progress, will compete for a 2500 € award as well as to get attention and financing from broadcasters, distributors, acquisition managers invited at the festival.

Not to forget the non competitive section in which we’ll screen some outstanding premieres coproduced by Rai cinema and Istituto Luce-Cinecittà.

This year the special tribute will be in honour of Leonardo Di Costanzo, great docu and film maker , who after Cannes Festival participation will bring his “L’Intrusa” in the movie theaters. After Gianni Amelio and Pietro Marcello participation in the first two editions, also Leonardo di Costanzo will teach a masterclass and the Festival will screen a retrospective of his works.

This year, the “International Panorama” section will be hosted in a new prestigious space: the large multipurpose room of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, in Viale Pasubio 5.

We are especially honored of the partnership with the Feltrinelli Foundation because it representes an opportunity of a constant and fertile debate during the titles selection process. Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation is one of the major italian documentation and research centers in the field of history, politics, economics and social sciences.

FABRIZIO GROSOLI – Artistic Director