Ultimo Battito

Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima


In Pescaglia, in the province of Lucca, there exists a man out of our time: Carlo Galgani, the last in a long line of artisans originating from the Renaissance. Carlo is the last blacksmith in Italy to forge iron using water power. The documentary finds its strength in the conjunction of visual and auditory aesthetics, with particular attention to the sound of the hammers, Carlo’s most imposing tools, and the rustling of the water, a fundamental element for the functioning of the forge. These are not just simple noises, but sounds that set everything around the workshop in motion and bring it to life. The sounds of the valley, among clouds and butterflies, blend with the work of the iron.


Director:  Leonardo Ferro
Production:  Chi c’è c’è, 3pmf Production, Materiali Sonori Cinema
Producer:  Alessandro Bartolomei, Leonardo Ferro, Matteo Laguni
Editing:  Leonardo Ferro
Cinematography:  Stefano Paussa
Duration:  25′
Country: Italy
Anno:  2023

Director’s Notes:

When I arrived at Carlo’s laboratory, I was immediately struck by the power and depth of his hammer’s sound, which seemed to reverberate beyond the boundaries of his workspace, shaping the edges of the water that powers his craft. Inside, I noticed the evocative play of light and shadow, reminiscent of a cycle of life and death. Passionate about cinema that blends reality and fiction, I enriched the film by creating a pure and enigmatic character, aiming to make the cinematic experience deeper and more interpretive. My intention is for this film to be experienced beyond mere observation, through sound and emotional interpretation.