The Other Side Of The Pipe

Italian Contest – Feature Film


The Southern Gas Corridor, spanning 3500 kilometers from Azerbaijan to southern Italy, represents Europe’s largest energy endeavor. Greek farmer Themis, retired teacher Ippazio, and young activist Giacomo feel the impact of the pipeline on their lives and lands. Together, they unite in a global fight against the project, undeterred by potential consequences, driven by a profound desire to safeguard the environment, democracy, and European values. A human portrait of a battle that is still ongoing.


Director:  Marko Kumer
Production:  Rusaalka Film, Incipit Film
Producer:  Marko Kumer, Marta Zaccaron
Editing:  Sara Gjergek
Photography:  Marko Kumer
Duration:  75′
Country: Italy, Slovenia
Year:  2024

Director’s Notes:

This film highlights the personal stories and battles of locals in Italy and Greece, who opposed the pipeline construction for environmental and political reasons and paid a high price for their bravery. I think it’s even more important that those stories are heard, because nowadays politicians are exploring new gas distribution methods. I firmly believe that similar stories will emerge in other countries, where people will still struggle to safeguard their lands, the environment and human rights.