I Sommersi

Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima

Brief Synopsis:

Ali struggles to integrate, looking for a stable job and a house of his own. The police inform him that his residence permit has expired. From then on he is detained in a detention and repatriation centre, forced into inhuman conditions. Deprived of his freedom, crammed into an overcrowded environment, with no possibility of contact with the outside world, Ali becomes a shadow, a faceless body like the many forced into these modern Lagers.


Director:  Giacomo Venturato
Production:  ZeLIG – Scuola di documentario
Producer:  Heidi Gronauer, Lorenzo Paccagnella
Editing:  Giovanni Bez
Cinematography:  Mara Godino
Duration:  15′
Country: Italy
Year:  2024

Director’s Notes:

This film aims to show the paradox of a repressive and controlling system towards migrants guilty only of their condition as asylum seekers. It tries to go deep into the sufferings and fears of the past, but also into the aspirations of people today who have experienced these modern lagers hidden by silence and indifference.