Best Documentary Projecy Visioni Incontra 2023 Award

@Italiangirl – Story of Saman Abbas, directed by Luca Bedini e Gabriele Veronesi, produced by Luca Bedini

Motivation: From a news cue and a genre narrative structure, the film opens up into a narrative perspective that seeks to investigate an oppressive unknown closed world. It problematically poses the issue of integration and the coexistence of communities with different values.

Cinema La Compagnia Award

Monsieur Lolli – Le Missionaire Rouge directed by Federico Bacci and Francesco Eppesteingher, produced by Matteo Laguni

Motivation: The story of a man with a camera, who recounted the most significant moments of Italy and Bologna in the 1970s, from trade union struggles, emancipation, terrorism to free radios… but also a man who widened his gaze to other horizons, taking those free radios to Africa, becoming the inventor of rural radio and sowing stories that came to light between a very special shop in Bologna and a piazza in Livorno, becoming a little bit ours too. We want to help support and give substance to those stories that we had not seen but which, as the theme of this year’s Festival states, we can finally hear with our eyes.

Lo Scrittoio Subtitles Award

Berlin Chic directed by Sigal Rosh, produced by Michal Weits

Motivation: Because it is important to tell a lesser-known chapter of one of the darkest pages of history, and because it allows us to learn about facts that are certainly able to interest and involve even the youngest generations toward whom our task of keeping memory alive remains fundamental, at whatever latitude.

Documentary Archive Cinecittà Award

Liberation’s diaries, directed bu Matteo Parisini, produced by Lorenzo Cioffi

Motivation: the project enhances archive material through the subjective narration of the diaries of the three women protagonists, one from Milan, one from Paris and one from Berlin. A female and European point of view on the turbulent events that led to the liberation of Europe. The result is a new and original look, which renews the power and narrative relevance of archive images

Bio to B Award

@Italiangirl – Story of Saman Abbas directed by Luca Bedini and Gabriele Veronesi, produced by Luca Bedini

Motivation: a project that, starting from a dramatic news story, tells us about the plight of so many women subjected to coercion and violence that atrociously affect and bend their choices and their lives. An Italian story but at the same time a universal one. A story that crosses over and uses the crime genre to broaden the spectrum of analysis to include social and integration aspects and issues of the utmost topicality, issues that involve the entire community and its difficulties in guaranteeing fundamental rights.

Special mention of the jury

Undine* directed by Felix Rier, produced by Martin Rattini

Motivazione: for giving hope of rebirth. For the choice of the language of dance to overcome an act of violence. It represents a sympathetic and sensitive look at a dramatic subject.