Best Italian Feature Film Award Visioni dal Mondo 2023

La primavera è primavera anche in città by Mattia Arreghini, Valerio Di Martino, Raffaele Greco, Elia Storchi

Motivation: With a clean and limpid photography, a story about old Milan, the Milan of the past, told by 4 young people. As if they knew it, as if they too had lived it, they come out of the Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti with an essay that, even with some of the limits of an essay, is what documentaries should be: a testimony. And this little film is: a poetic and melancholy-free testimony to a Milan that is disappearing but must survive in memory.

Special mention of the official jury

The Deal by Chiara Sambuchi

Motivation: Accurately documented and the result of evident long and arduous research work, this is a film with a theme that is in itself “strong”, centred in particular on two female characters – the magistrate Lina Trovato on the one hand, and on the other a Nigerian woman who was a victim of trafficking and has become a social worker – to tell with admirable rigour, but also participation, the story of the Nigerian mafia that has ramifications throughout Europe and in particular the trafficking of human beings, especially girls. Deserving of attention and, as far as we are concerned, of a special mention. Very special.

GKSD Investment Holding New Talent First Wokr Visioni dal Mondo 2023 Award

Alone together by Lilian Sassanelli

Motivation: For having allowed to enter the intimacy of a couple in a delicate and unfiltered way. For having treated love in an unconventional way during an often neglected phase of life.

Special mention of the student jury

Life is a game by Laura Carrer e Luca Quagliato

For the Italian Contest Feature Film category with the following motivation: for a blend of reality and animation that was able to tell with modernity and innovation a theme that touches on both civil and human rights, which belong to our society. We have decided to give a special mention to the film and the two directors in the hope that this will encourage them to produce new works of this artistic value.

The Sky is mine by Ayoub Naseri

For the category New Talent First Work Italian Contest with the motivation: a film that does not outrage silences. In which trauma is not explored, but allows itself to be explored in its indelible traces. Because in a world made deaf by noise, only poets know how to listen to the cries hidden in silence. For knowing how to give form to pain and fear, through the language of angels, that of children. For having shown us, in a country immobilised by hatred, the thin threads of love that move all our lives. For showing a necessary film.

Rai Cinema Award, dedicated to Franco Scaglia

The Sky is mine by Ayoub Naseri

Motivation: For having constructed a tale of reality that restores the soul and the experience of a father and son bound by an indissoluble love, with the grace of a gaze that captures the poetry of lives dramatically marked by the horrors of war.

Best International Feature Documentary Visioni dal Mondo 2023 Award

Eat Bitter by Pascale Appora-Gnekindy e Ningyi Sun

Motivation: We are happy to give the award for Best International Documentary to a film that manages to express the complexity of a changing world in a humane and subtle way. The film is beautifully shot and the two directors have given the utmost respect to the main characters, with whom one can easily identify. A true cinema verité that offers the audience a glimpse into an unknown and fascinating reality and asks profound questions about neo-colonialism and its effects on human interactions.

Special mention of the international jury

Return to Raqqa by Albert Solè e Raul Cuevas

Motivation: We award a special mention to a film that portrays a story of self-awareness, collaboration and resilience. The audience is drawn in by the frankness and courage of the protagonists in an extremely harrowing circumstance. The film opens a window on a historical-political issue on a journalistic level in a profound and meaningful way and sheds light on the contemporary situation in the region.

Visioni VR 2023 Award - People's Choice Award

Visioni VR Contest - Press special mention

The Man who couldn’t leave di Chen Singing

Motivation: form, content and poetics find in technology a means of expression and total immersion thanks to the originality of the direction, the power of the image, and the ability to tell a single story by turning it into a universal tale of the political prisoners who were victims of the White Terror. Emotionally impactful and visually disturbing.

Visioni VR Contest - Content creators special mention

The Man who couldn’t leave by Chen Singing

Motivation: It denotes a skilful use of virtual reality, with a perfect balance between narrative depth, editing, photography and interpretation. A sincere and necessary account of 1950s Taiwan, able not only to amaze but also to turn the spotlight on history, combining information and emotional involvement in a refined manner.