Spring is spring also in town

Concorso italiano – New talent opera prima


Two men are driving through the streets of Milan to transport a mysterious box. Their route is the source of other routes, which reveal an awareness of the city that was previously dormant. An awareness that is given to the viewer by the stories of the two men, now presented: Leonetto Di Ciolo and Felice Trovati. Felice is also the builder of a particular object, the Revisionist Bicycle, a pendulum clock constructed from bicycle parts that can alter the passage of time. We discover that it is precisely this totem that is the object transported at the beginning of the film, and that the two protagonists are on a mission: to place the bicycle-clock in a specific spot in the city, because Spring, understood as a form of endurance of wonder for apparently useless things, is Spring also in the city.


Director: Mattia Arreghini, Valerio Di Martino, Raffaele Greco, Elia Storchi
Production:  Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti
Producer:  Camilla Gusso
Lenght:  54′
Nation: Italy
Year:  2023

Director’s notes:

The foundation of the narrative is the initial/final moment of the film, in which the Revisionist Bicycle is driven to a point in the city. This action takes on a symbolic value: to prevent certain phenomena, such as qualunquism and alienation, from reoccurring. It is a subversive, camouflaged action. The motivations are fuelled by Leonetto’s words. He and Felice lead this mission of resistance. This is an example of a narrative supported by a fictional forcing. In fact, the intention is not to make an observational documentary, as the film will present a re-enactment. The situations are created and composed specifically to convey feelings, reflections, doubts.