Baghdad on fire

Concorso Internazionale


This film is an intimate and dramatic journey following Tiba, an Iraqi young woman fighting for freedom and equality. On October 1st 2022 young men and women gather in thousands at Tahrir square in the middle of Baghdad to demonstrate against chaos, corruption and conflicts. One of the demonstrators is 19-year-old Tiba, who wanted to join her friends Yousif and Khader, along with thousands of other youngsters on the square, to demonstrate. The three friends started a medical team, spending days and nights together in their tent on Tahrir Square. The film follows Tiba’s transformation from forced marriage and abuse to a young woman fighting for her rights. Will she manage this?


Director:  Karrar Al-Azzazy
Production:  INTEGRAL FILM
Producer:  Jørgen Lorentzen, Nefise Özkal Lorentzen
Editing:  Morten Haslerud
Cinematography:  Hussein Monaf, Basher Salman
Lenght:  60′
Nation: Iraq, Norvegia
Year:  2023

Director’s notes:

My dream is to see Iraqi women and men free and liberated. In this film I wanted to tell the story from the woman’s perspective. I found in Tiba’s story what is very much like many Iraqi women’s stories, but her transformation is very inspiring. For me, making this film is my way to demonstrate and fight together with Tiba and the Iraqi youth. I want to challenge the stereotypical views on Iraqi women. My goal is not just to provide information, but also to let the audience experience an emotional journey to this unknown universe