Tempo al tempo. Tarante, Carnevali e Canti nell’Italia di ieri e di oggi

20th September 2020



Non competitive section

Brief Synopsis:

Every year on the Sunday before Carnival, the Fondazione Musica per Roma welcomes in its large Auditorium a series of groups of masks, musicians and dancers from various Italian regions. The ceremonier of the folk festival is Ambrogio Sparagna, one of the great voices and protagonist of the Italian folk music.
Tempo al tempo (Time to time) testifies the richness of these popular folk festivals: while playing during his concert many popular songs , many old images, memory of the immense Archivio storico Luce, scroll on the screen . There is an alternation of “live” moments with historical filmic inserts of poignant beauty and thus generating a fascinating plot of contrasts between past and present.


Directed by: Angelo Musciagna
Production: Istituto Luce Cinecittà
Editing: Angelo Musciagna
Cinematography: Angelo Musciagna
Running time: 50’
Country: Italy
Year: 2020
Contacts: Alessio Massatani / Istituto Luce Cinecittà │ a.massatani@cinecittaluce.it

Director’s note: