
19th September 2020



International contest

Brief Synopsis:

From the taiga in Siberia over the primary forests of Romania to the primeval forest in Peru: around the world, billions of dollars are made from illegal logging. Alexander von Bismarck has been on the timber mafia’s trail for years. As head of the Environmental Investigation Agency in Washington, he tirelessly takes to the road. He doesn’t shy from changing persona and appearance and employing concealed technical means to bring illegal activities to light. An essential part of his work, over and above his detective activities, is creating political and public awareness of the disastrous consequences of forest depletion. This wake-up-call documentary follows Von Bismarck and his comrades into the hell of profit-lust and back again.


Directed by: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan & Michaela Kirst & Ebba Sinzinger
Production: Vincent Lucassen for WILDart Film
Producer: Vincent Lucassen
Running time: 96’
Country: Austria, Germany, Romania
Year: 2020
Contacts: Vincent Lucassen │ lucassen@wildartfilm.com

Director’s note:

Coming from different backgrounds, countries and with different motors of motivation we three directors found eachother to make the documentary WOOD:
We all believed that Sascha and his NGO would have the potential to interfere in this mess and to provoke political change. We described the situation to them. They were interested and got involved. That’s how our film began.
Monica Lazurean-Gorgan & Michaela Kirst & Ebba Sinzinger