Songs of the water spirits

19th September 2020



Italian contest

Brief Synopsis:

Ladakh is an Indian region that is facing a deep process of transformation and cultural regeneration, constantly oscillating between its vocation of being a land of arcane and mystical traditions, and an uncontrolled progress that is destructive for the environment and is alienating its inhabitants. Brave and visionary minds are however working to overcome this dualism by proposing a virtuous mediation: preserving their identity without withdrawing into a shell, giving value to the incentives of a modernity that does not imply an anthropological mutation. Can we, as westerners, learn from this social, economical and cultural lab that is today Ladakh.


Directed by: Nicolò Bongiorno
Production: Allegria Films
Producer: Nicolò Bongiorno
Editing: Walter Marocchi
Cinematography: Giacomo Berthet
Running time: 105’
Country: Italy
Year: 2020
Contacts: Nicolò Bongiorno – Allegria Films │ │

Director’s note:

Ladakh is an extraordinary place. And people like me, who live in the globalized West, have always dreamed and seen the Himalaya’s and Tibet as a stronghold against the excesses of modernity. But the truth is the opposite, the problems of life in our modern society end up re-emerging among the most remote Himalayan mountains. Here, climate change, decadence, urbanization, and traffic pollution are, in some cases, even more brutal. Is it really the end of that magical and mystical dreamed world?
Nicolò Bongiorno