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Eventi / Film del 15 September 2018 › Concorso italiano


Strange Fish

15 September 2018 h. 14:00
Triennale di Milano

How does it feel to see a dead body floating in the sea like a strange fish? Through the voices of the anonymous heroes of Zarzis, a fishermen village in southern Tunisia, on the border of war-torn Libya, we discover how this tragedy has affected a town and the fishermen community. TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS Directed by: Giulia Bertoluzzi Production: Small Boss Production Producer: Matteo Pecorara Editing: Ariadna Ribas With the support of: CIHAEM Bari, through the NEMO project, financed by AICS, Migration Media Award by European Commission Running time: 55’ Country: Italy Year: 2018 Contacts: Matteo Pecorara | Small Boss Production […]

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Mauro from Budelli

15 September 2018 h. 15:30
Triennale di Milano

Mauro Morandi has been the only inhabitant of Budelli island for almost thirty years. Charming figure and solitude paradigm, his mission is to keep safe the Pink Beach from the tourists’ invasion and to tell the island’s visitors his life philosophy in contact with nature. However, the balance he has reached with his life is in danger and Mauro decided to fight for it. TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS Directed by: Marco Tagliabue Production: RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera Producer: Michael Beltrami Editing: Bettina Tognola Cinematography: Francesco Cocco e Claudio Rizzotti Running time: 50’50’’ Country: Italy/Switzerland Year: 2018 Contacts: Michael Beltrami | RSI | […]

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Scripta Manent

15 September 2018 h. 16:45
Triennale di Milano

Often while driving on roads , or walking in the city, our attention is caught by  street art’s works, which is, by its very nature, public and free and that is changing the urban landscape. However, what’s behind those painted walls? Who are the artists? Hence this film born from the idea of ​​discovering and telling the Street Art through the life and works of one of its protagonists, Manu Invisible. The aim is to capture all the hidden and secret scenes of this very popular art, criticised by some, appreciated by others, and making it ‘available’ to everybody. TECHNICAL […]

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A breath of water

15 September 2018 h. 18:30
Triennale di Milano

Mauro is a diver with a peculiar job: he works at great depths under the oil rigs in the middle of the sea, and lives in a small hyperbaric chamber for most of the year. In his free time, he likes to teach his little friend Milo how to dive, communicating him his passion for the sea and its legends. We follow Mauro, while working underwater in a Libyan sea oil rig, and when he realizes to be sick and tired of such life, and that he wants to dedicate his future to recover the sunken ships: his childhood dream. […]

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