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Eventi / Film del 14 September 2018 › Concorso italiano


Blindly Dancing

14 September 2018 h. 14:30
Triennale di Milano

A blind professional dancer has founded the Blindly Dancing Association in 2013 to teach ‘the dance in the dark’ to everybody. Today, it comprehends about 100.000 people in Italy, Swiss and Holland. Thanks to her passion and work more and more people can try the sensorial experience of dancing without seeing. Imperfection is Beauty. TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS Directed by: Fabio Palmieri Production: P.P.P. - NOTWORKINGFILMS Editing: Fabio Palmieri Cinematography: Fabio Palmieri Running time: 8’30’’ Country: Italy Year: 2017 Contacts: Paola Pontelli | NOTWORKINGFILMS | “Elena and her story represent a sample of strenght and courage, which develops an intimate investigation […]

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Call of Ocean

14 September 2018 h. 14:30
Triennale di Milano

An old fisheman lives and works alone, on a faraway isthmus. An opera singer has just washed up onto his shore, like a siren. They talk and spend some time together. A meal, a boat ride, a song… slowly, slowly the solitude feeling they share, will make the two different characters come closer. Told in a fable-like style, this film is a story that borders between reality and imagination, documentary and fiction. SCHEDA TECNICA Directed by: Claudia Neubern Production: Les autres films Producer: Boris Vassalo Editing: Éve Le Cordonnel, Catherine Catella Cinematography: Antoine Heberlé Running time: 45’ Country: France/Italy Year: […]

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Trembling Crystals

14 September 2018 h. 16:00
Triennale di Milano

From Cuba the author establishes, by text messages, a communication with his mother suffering from cancer. During his stay on the island, the author conducts a survey for a possible documentary. Because of a series of meetings and situations, he will have to deal with the transformation of himself. TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS Directed by: Alessandro Focareta Screenplay: Alessandro Focareta Production: EICTV (Escuela internacional de cine y televisión de San Antonio de los Baños - Cuba) - Apolide Film (Italia) Editing: Alessandro Focareta Cinematography: Alessandro Focareta, Jaime Guerra, Angelo Onofrio, Carlo Focareta, Emil Rodriguez Running time: 72’ Country: Italy/Cuba Year: 2017 Contacts: […]

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A glorious delegation to Pyongyang

14 September 2018 h. 17:30
Triennale di Milano

On 25th April 2018 four friends leave to North Korea with the aim of filming, beyond prejudices, the life of the most enigmatic and most denigrated country in the world. A film crew follows them, the only one allowed to shoot a film in Korea, which in these days is the stage of the historic meeting of the two presidents of North and South for United Korea. The film tells the journey of these four friends, who join Davide in his trip:  Davide is a writer, a journalist, a teacher, and a member of the Communist Party (Switzerland), who Has […]

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