Workshops & Panel

Workshops / Panels

In addition to the Pitching session, Visioni Incontra organizes  from the 5th to the 7th of October several workkshops and panels.

  • Il Decreto legge Franceschini: the new law regarding the sector re-organization and the public  financing of the arts (Movie, Tv, theatre etc.) presently under discussion at the italian parliament: mechanisms, opportunities and perspectives will be illustrated by a representative of MiBACT (Ministry of Italian culture and tourism) on thursday late morning, the 6th of October
  • The Creative Europe Media Programme: ‘Funding, training and networking’ , illustrated by the italian representative Silvia Sandrone (Creative Europe Desk Italy, project officer MEDIA Torino Office), on wednesday afternoon, the 5th of October
  • The marketing of movies and documentaries: ‘The winning mentality’ in collaboration with Doc / it – Italian Documentary Association.
    Presented by  Alvaro Vega (communications manager for Doble Sentido cinema), and coordinated by Stefania Casini (vice-president of Doc / it- the italian Documentary Association), on thursday afternoon, the 6th of October
  • ‘The Funding, the editorial policy and the procedures for co-production of RSI – the italian swisse public Radio Television’.
    Speakers: Diana Segantini (the Rsi cultural department responsible ), Michael Beltrami (the Rsi producer of ‘ Stories’), Silvana Bezzola Rigolini (producer,and Rsi  responsible for acquisition and  co-productions), Bruno Bergomi (producer de LA2DOC), on Friday morning ,the 7th of October